On February 14th, the closing conference from the New Ways of Working for Net-Zero project was held at DigitalCity in Brussels, Belgium.

The conference brought together representatives from each of the partners, as well as HR professionals and academics from both France and Belgium, to learn more about the project and gain a better understanding of its results.

For two years this project had been undertaken with the aim of providing toolkits for HR professionals to reduce workplace carbon emissions in three key areas:

• New Ways of Working

• Work Mobility

• Sustainable use of IT

This conference allowed the partners, and attending experts and HR professionals, to delve deeper into these key areas and explain how and why HR professionals should take the initiative in reducing workspace carbon emissions. Presentations were given by members of all project partners, alongside presentations given by experts and consultants. These presentations examined many interesting aspects of the project, with the presenters examining Sustainable Development Goals, the cost benefits for companies associated with sustainable practices, the different roles HR professionals can have in a company, the importance and practicality of hybrid work policies, and much more.