M.Sc. Slavko Sazdovski - expert in the field of human resources.

Slavko Sazdovski is a member of the Management Board of the Macedonian Association for Human Resources and his personal opinion is that the development of human resources is a field in which continuous work should be done to improve knowledge and skills among those responsible at different levels of company management.

Interview conducted on 25 January.2023

Many methodological guides and tools exist to help companies develop a holistic, comprehensive Green IT strategy. Green IT focuses first on making the company’s own IT greener by improving end-user working practices, creating an energy-efficient office environment, and reducing energy consumption. In addition to this priority issue, the Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT includes two other aspects: the creation of an inclusive digital environment and the challenges of well-being at work (teleworking, right to disconnect). Because of the cross-sectoral nature of digital activities, IT departments should not be the only ones concerned by the issues of digital sobriety. The corporate management and the overall environmental strategy of an enterprise are seen as major drivers of a Green IT strategy.

The interview:

What is your opinion on the impact of Green IT strategies on the actual performance of companies?


Green IT strategies can have only a positive impact on the actual performance of companies. One of the most significant impacts of Green IT strategies is cost savings. Green strategies in the business reduces the general supply expenses in the office. Switching to a digital platform helps companies to  reduce the costs of buying pens, markers, paperclips, etc. Most companies spend so much on printer ink, replacements, and maintenance. Utilizing a digital and green system reduces all this spending. This can lead to increased profitability and a competitive advantage over companies that do not adopt Green IT practices. Green strategies helps companies adopt more sustainable business practices as it helps promote the environmental benefits of their products and services.

Тhe awareness among people as potential customers about the way companies treat the environment is growing more and more. For many people the company's attitude towards the environment is included in the choice of products they decide on. Companies that adopt Green IT strategies can be recognized as a companies with good corporate image and those companies can benefit from such a positive image. A positive corporate image can lead to increased sales and brand loyalty. Overall green strategies can raise awareness among consumers about the importance of sustainability and the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions, and by reducing costs and improving corporate image, companies can gain a competitive advantage and improve their business goals.


Are they related, and in what way are they related to well-being at work (teleworking, right to disconnect)?


Increasing work hours and tasks, lack of mentoring, relationships with the manager, or the existence of "silent mobbing" such as staying at work after hours, working on weekends or bad working equipment can significantly affect work-life balance. The number of people who fail to find a balance in work and life is increasing, so they experienced burnout at the workplace as a result of physical, mental, emotional exhaustion and the long-term impact of stress from work. Teleworking as a part of Green IT strategies can lead to a healthier work environment by reducing exposure to dust pollution, improving air quality, and reducing noise. Using energy-efficient lighting can also reduce eye strain and headaches. Employees are more likely to be engaged and motivated when they feel that their employer cares about their well-being and is committed to sustainability. By adopting Green IT strategies, companies can show their employees that they are committed to creating a healthier and more productive workplace. Improved employee comfort by optimizing working environment (temperature, humidity, lighting, ventilation) or simple providing ergonomic equipment can lead to reduced stress and fatigue, as well as improved productivity. By adopting Green IT strategies, companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, which can increase employee pride and satisfaction.


In your view, are HR Managers or HR practitioners important for successfully implementing Green IT strategies in companies? Where do you see the significance of their role?


HR Managers and HR practitioners can have own role and they can contribute to the successful implementation of Green IT strategies.  HR Managers and HR practitioners can communicate the importance of sustainability to employees and provide training on the specific Green IT practices that the company is adopting. By doing so, they can help to ensure that employees understand the benefits of sustainability and are motivated to participate in the implementation of Green IT practices. They also can create a culture of sustainability within the organization and encourage employees to take an active role in promoting Green IT practices. By identifying and recruiting employees who are passionate about sustainability, they can create a workforce that are aware about Green IT practices.


How can companies be motivated for developing and implementing Green IT strategies?

In my view companies can be motivated to develop and implement Green IT strategies. I think that three basic benefits can move companies towards the implementation of green IT strategies:

Cost Savings: One of the most significant motivations for companies to adopt Green IT strategies is cost savings. By reducing energy consumption, optimizing IT infrastructure, and minimizing electronic waste, companies can save on energy costs, hardware costs, and maintenance costs. This can lead to increased profitability and a competitive advantage over companies that do not adopt Green IT practices.

Corporate Image: Companies that adopt Green IT strategies can also benefit from an improved corporate image. Customers and stakeholders are becoming increasingly concerned about the environment, and companies that show a commitment to sustainability can gain a competitive advantage. A positive corporate image can lead to increased sales and brand loyalty.

Employee Morale: Green IT strategies can also have a positive impact on employee morale. Many employees are concerned about the environment, and companies that show a commitment to sustainability can increase employee satisfaction and retention.


Can we argue that Virtual, and Hybrid work is a direct product of the digitalization of work? Or maybe there are other trends which have motivated this new organisational form, while the IT is just the platform?


The increasing availability of digital technologies, such as high-speed internet, video conferencing software, cloud computing, and collaboration tools, has made it possible for employees to work remotely and collaborate with colleagues who are located in different geographical locations. This has led to the emergence of virtual and hybrid work models, where employees can work from home, co-working spaces, or satellite offices, while still being able to collaborate effectively with colleagues and clients. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of virtual and hybrid work models, as companies were forced to adapt to remote work to ensure the safety of their employees. The pandemic has also highlighted the benefits of virtual and hybrid work, such as increased flexibility and improved work-life balance.


Can work mobility decrease the carbon emissions? Can we identify trends which are beneficial for the environment and can lead us closer to carbon neutrality?  Which are they?


Yes, work mobility can decrease carbon emissions, as it reduces the need for employees to commute to work, which is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. By allowing employees to work from home or other remote locations, by promoting sustainable transportation options for employees, such as public transportation, cycling or investing in bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, which can encourage more people to use sustainable transportation options companies can reduce their carbon emissions. Companies can further can reduce their carbon emissions by implementing virtual meetings, reducing business travel, and adopting sustainable practices in their supply chains. Furthermore, by adopting circular economy principles, as an economic model that emphasizes the reuse and recycling of materials rather than the production of new materials, companies can reduce waste and minimize their carbon emission.  



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