News Published On: 20 Feb, 2024 Hits: 1691

The conference brought together representatives from each of the partners, as well as HR professionals and academics from both France and Belgium, to learn more about the project and gain a better understanding of its results.

News Published On: 02 Feb, 2024 Hits: 1352

 We would like to invite you to the National NWoW4Net-Zero multiplier events aimed at HR Managers, HR Professionals, HR Consultants, Change Management experts, representatives from training centers, and associated partners.  These events, hosted by NWoW4Net-zero partners are an insightful exploration into the evolving landscape of New Ways of Working (NWoW) with a specific focus on achieving Net-Zero goals.

News Published On: 31 Jan, 2024 Hits: 504

table tbody tr td p .intro_text{font-weight:600;} table tbody tr td p .green_text {color:green;font-weight: 600;} table tbody tr td p .narator_name{font-weight:600;} table tbody tr td p .narator_role{font-style: italic; } table {border: 1px solid lightgray; width: 80%; margin: 0px auto;} table tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: #f8f8f8;} table tbody tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: white;} table tbody tr td:nth-child(1) {width: 20%; margin: 0px auto; text-align:center; color:green;font-weight: 600; font-size:1.2em;} table tbody tr td:nth-child(2) {width: 80%; margin: 0px auto; } @media (max-width: 767.98px){table {width: 100%;}} Како можеме да дејствуваме во секторот на човечки ресурси со цел да придонесеме за намалување на емисиите на јаглерод?

News Published On: 12 Oct, 2023 Hits: 2661

A Learning Training Activity was held in Skopje in October which saw CKM host representatives from TalTech, PLS and C&R. This meeting allowed the partners to learn how to use the material in their specific fields, with the material being adapted for use by both universities and consultancies.

News Published On: 07 Sep, 2023 Hits: 1855

We would like you to be the first to test our mapping tool by completing a self-assessment questionnaire that will lead you to a personal learning pathway with solutions to implement in your company.

News Published On: 12 Jun, 2023 Hits: 1698

In June a meeting was hosted by C&R in Paris which saw representatives of all partners: CKM, TalTech, Reference, and PLS.

News Published On: 12 Mar, 2023 Hits: 2213

Dr. Marjan Gusev, Professor and Digital entrepreneur  D-r Marjan Gushev is a computer scientist and professor at University Sts. Cyril and Methodius, at Faculty of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering, specialising in parallel processing, computer networks and Internet technologies. 

News Published On: 12 Mar, 2023 Hits: 2983

As the European Union moves towards reducing the amount of emissions, larger companies must also change their behavior. Among other things, it is important to make it clear to employees how to operate more environmentally friendly. In order to help organizations, the Erasmus project brings together IT specialists, lawyers and employees in the field of education. 

News Published On: 12 Mar, 2023 Hits: 2410

M.Sc. Slavko Sazdovski - expert in the field of human resources. Slavko Sazdovski is a member of the Management Board of the Macedonian Association for Human Resources and his personal opinion is that the development of human resources is a field in which continuous work should be done to improve knowledge and skills among those responsible at different levels of company management.

News Published On: 01 Mar, 2023 Hits: 2186

DEJAN ZLATKOVSKI Dejan Zlatkovski is a software engineer with 20 years of experience in Education and Training sector. He graduated Software Engineering at the Institute of Informatics in Skopje and specialized Public Policy Making in Education and Human Development at the George Washington University in Washington D.C.

News Published On: 09 Dec, 2022 Hits: 4034

 Olivier Vergeynst Director of the Belgian Digital Responsibility Institute, a think and do tank founded in 2020, based on its French equivalent: the INR. Its objective is to bring together Belgian companies, organisations and citizens, in order to help them succeed in their digital transition while reducing the environmental and social footprint of their IT services and uses.

News Published On: 09 Dec, 2022 Hits: 2075

FRANÇOIS PICHAULT Human Resources Management Professor at HEC Liège-School of Management of the University of Liège in Belgium; affiliated professor in Human Resources Management at the University of Paris-Dauphine in France; director of LENTIC, the Laboratory for Studies on New Forms of Work, Innovation and Change (University of Liège). His current research interests include the organisational aspects of digital transformation, the emergence of new forms of employment and change management.

News Published On: 09 Dec, 2022 Hits: 2951

VINCENT COURBOULAY Co-founder and scientific director of Institut du Numérique Responsable, a French association established in 2018 which brings together companies and organisations that share and promote experiences for an environmentally friendly, inclusive, supportive and ethical digital world. Vincent Courboulay is also a lecturer and in charge of social and digital responsibility at La Rochelle University.

News Published On: 09 Dec, 2022 Hits: 1969

  Laurent Taskin Professor of Human Management at the Louvain School of Management (UCLouvain); Director of the Labor-H, the UCLouvain Chair in Human Management and New Forms of Organisation; Visiting Professor at the Université Saint-Louis Brussels and at the Université Paris-Dauphine; Board Member of the Association francophone de GRH (AGRH)

News Published On: 23 Nov, 2022 Hits: 2850

Xavier Tackoen,  Managing Director of Espaces-Mobilités, an independent Brussels-based consultancy firm that has been advising public authorities, transport operators and companies on public space and mobility issues for nearly 25 years. Espaces-Mobilités has created a laboratory, called Maestromobile, focussing on behaviour change to accompany people towards responsible mobility. It also develops training courses.  

News Published On: 25 Oct, 2022 Hits: 1879

Real Utopias for a Social Europe is a series of technical debate-type workshops on bold and innovative social policy proposals. The second two-day workshop on Working Time Reduction and the Four-Day Week will take place online on 27-28 October.

News Published On: 21 Oct, 2022 Hits: 2347

Aurelie Gillieaux, CEO of Skipr, a start-up offering a (comprehensive and easy-to-use) platform that allows employers to integrate relevant mobility options into their mobility policy Interview conducted on 1st July 2022 .

News Published On: 21 Oct, 2022 Hits: 3259

Leslie Belton-Chevallier, Research Fellow in Sustainable Development at Gustave Eiffel University; Sociologist in mobility and lifestyles (urban and peri-urban); Participates in the Smart Lab LABILITY, an ephemeral research and innovation laboratory that analyses the impact of the health crisis on the organisation of work and the evolution of the mobility of people and goods; Interview conducted on 20 July 2022 .


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